With Dr. Christy Sutton's LabrogenomicsTM Educational workshops, you can:
Learn how to take your health beyond your DNA.
Identify and avoid genetic landmines.
Learn critical and invaluable information & don't get overwhelmed.
Focus on simple & actionable steps that can make a big difference in your health.
Learn what your doctor probably won't tell you, but you should know.
Learn more.Upcoming live educational workshops
taught by
Christy Sutton, D.C.
Author of
Genetic Testing: Defining Your Path to a Personalized Health Plan
The Iron Curse
Is your doctor letting high iron destroy your health? Simple steps to know if high iron is the root of your health problems, and easy protocols to save and restore your health.
Preorder The Iron Curse for release in 2023
Learn more from "The best book on genetics and epigenetics":
Genetic Testing: Defining Your Path to a Personalized Helath Plan
Upcoming in 2023: The Iron Curse, Is your doctor letting high iron destroy your health? Simple steps to know if high iron is the root of your health problems, and easy protocols to save and restore your health.
Christy Sutton, D.C.
Get your personalized genetic report.
Find out what your genes are with the Genetic Detoxification report. Learn about the genes in Dr. Sutton's books, and Labrogenomic webinar workshops.
Find out your personal genotype for over 300 important genes, and learn about them by following these three steps:
1.) Get Dr. Sutton's book that is designed to go along with your peronalized Genetic Detoxification report: Genetic Testing: Defining Your Path to a Personalized Health Plan.
2.) Watch Dr. Sutton's cutting-edge educational workshops.
3.) Pre-order your E-book copy of The Iron Curse. The paperback versioin will be available in September 2023.
Order your personalized Genetic Detoxification report
Learn How to Use & Read Lab & Genetic Testing.
If genetics load the gun, and environment pulls the trigger, then learn now to put the safety on the gun.
Learn a system that empowers you to take control of your health today, and for generations to come.
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Nutrition designed to Take Your Health Beyond Your DNA
The Iron Curse Supplement Protocols.
Heart, Inflammation, & Oxidative Support
Shop Epigenozyme SupplementsNice to meet you!
Hi! I’m Christy Sutton, D.C. I am tired of seeing people get mistreated and misdiagnosed for symptoms while their root cause is missed. I am tired of seeing people develop health problems that they could have avoided, if they had just known they were at risk and took a couple simple steps. As someone that has struggled with many health problems including, Crohn's and Celiac, among others. I have personally seen the need for getting to the root cause of health problems rather than treating symptoms. I have developed an educational program called LabrogenomicsTM, which is designed to help people get to the root cause of health problems, and identity and protect their genetic Achilles heel. This is a cutting-edge, powerful and comprehensive program, that is easy to understand. Labrogenomic workshop webinars make learning about lab and genetic testing easy, and clinically relevant.
More about me

Download a free sample Genetic Detoxification report